Sydney Airport Traffic Performance March 2023

Thursday 20 April 2023

A total of 3,166,000 passengers passed through Sydney Airport in March 2023, representing an 86.7% recovery compared to pre-COVID March 2019. This is the strongest post-COVID performance to date.

For the first time since the start of the pandemic international passenger traffic has surpassed the 80% recovery mark, with 1,086,000 passengers passing through T1 International in March 2023. This represents an 82.3% recovery on March 2019 passenger traffic.

Domestic passenger traffic was 89.2% recovered compared to March 2019, with 2,080,000 travellers through the terminals. However, indicative data for the first half of April is tracking back at the mid-80 per cent mark.


U.S travellers ranked second in the list of top 10 nationalities of passengers coming through Sydney Airport, however, the overall number was still significantly lower than pre-COVID March 2019.

The number of visitors from the U.K. is growing with the recovery rate in March hitting 87.4%, its highest point since the international border reopened in February last year.

There was a sharp rise in the number of Chinese nationals coming to Australia, with the March number representing a 39.6% recovery compared to pre-COVID March 2019, this is up from a 24.7% recovery rate in February.


Sydney Airport CEO Geoff Culbert said: “With new airlines and routes coming online, momentum is starting to build, especially in our T1 International terminal.”

“For the first-time since the Australian border reopened to tourists, international passenger numbers have cracked the 80 percent recovery mark, with many airlines increasing capacity.

“With China now open for business, and the European and North American summer almost here, we anticipate our international traffic will continue to pick-up in the coming months”.


1. Due to data availability, all international passenger numbers (including PCP, prior corresponding period comparisons) are based on Confirmed Airline Passenger (CAP) data. As per previous information releases, these figures may contain estimates with any adjustments to preliminary statistics included in the year-to-date results in future months

2. Includes Domestic-on-Carriage

3. All data is for arriving and departing international passengers. All data is taken from management accounts, is provisional and subject to revision. All data has been rounded to the nearest thousand and in some instances the total may not be equal to the sum of the parts. Percentage changes have been calculated based on actual figures