
The board of Sydney Aviation Alliance Holdings Pty Ltd (SAAHPL) and SYD's management team are committed to the highest standards of corporate governance.

Foundations for management and oversight

The SAAHPL board charter sets out the roles, responsibilities and functions reserved to the SAA board, the way in which the board operates to discharge those roles, responsibilities and functions and the extent to which the board has delegated responsibilities to the CEO and management.

Profiles of the SAAHPL Directors can be found here.

To assist in the oversight and execution of its responsibilities, a number of Board sub committees operate, including the:

  • People and Culture Committee
  • Audit and Risk Committee
  • Safety, Sustainability and Security Committee

The Board and Committee charters, which outline their responsibilities can be found here.

Organisational responsibility

The General Counsel and Company Secretary is responsible for corporate governance at SYD. The Company Secretary has a dual reporting line to the Chief Executive Officer and to the board, through the chair.

The Company Secretary directly communicates to the board, advising on governance matters, facilitating inductions and professional development for directors and ensuring that the directors receive timely, regular and appropriate information to enable them to fulfil their duties. This information is provided as part of directors’ board papers and regular reporting on airport performance.

The Company Secretary also ensures appropriate policies are in place to govern SYD and oversees the company’s regulatory compliance.

Sustainability reporting

SYD publicly reports its sustainability performance annually in line with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Reporting and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) frameworks.

Independent Limited Assurance is provided over selected indicators in our annual sustainability reporting. See our recent sustainability report for more.

Sustainability performance and remuneration

Sustainability forms part of the Culture component of executive remuneration at SYD. This performance is measured via specific targets that are set annually and approved by the Board.

Fair and ethical business

Fair and ethical business is identified as a material issue for SYD, which includes political contributions, whistleblowing, bribery and corruption, tax disclosure, human rights and supplier standards.

We disclose our management approach to fair and ethical business here, and report our performance in this area annually in our sustainability report, available here.